000 - Seth Stewart
Episode 000 - Seth Stewart
This episode is an extra special Patreon-only behind-the-scenes sort of a jawn.
While the first official episode i released was with Vanessa Foley, that wasn't actually the very first time i recorded and produced an episode. As part of learning and coming up with my workflow, including how to record and edit, i created an entire episode, from start to finish, with a poster collector friend of mine named Seth. So, everything about this episode after the initial intro, was recorded and edited back in August of 2019, three months before the show officially launched. It's literally Episode 0, haha! About two months after this, i started recording what ultimately became the first three episodes that the show launched with.
Since i had planned to take a couple weeks off, i thought it would be fun to release this special time-capsule look at my very first attempt at all of this, as an exclusive for the kind folks who’ve been supporting the show over on Patreon.
Instagram: @ss2steppin